War on Want and EPSU Training on Tax Justice

12.03.2015 | admin

Building awareness of tax justice in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa

These training meetings are organized by EPSU and the UK campaigning organisation War on Want as part of an EC-funded project. The objectives are to examine recent initiatives to curb corporate tax dumping and discuss trade union actions to develop a fair, progressive tax regime which is essential to finance quality public services we all need and achieve the UN Millennium development goals. Corporate tax avoidance has become a major concern of public interest as series of tax scandals have revealed that many transnational corporations pay near 0% corporate tax.

There is consensus that companies must pay their fair share of tax in the countries where they make profits, but the question is when will it become reality?  Overall, the tax gap in Europe, i.e. the difference between tax owed and tax paid,  is estimated at  € 1000 billion per year. Instead of cutting down on public service pay and jobs, public service trade unions call for tough action against tax dodgers. Tax justice is also an essential development tool. Whilst developing countries receive around € 56.6 bn  in foreign aid from EU and member states, between 7 or 10 times as much money is lost through illicit financial outflows annually, a large part of which through a variety of tax avoidance schemes including transfer pricing that shifts profits from developing to developed countries. Africa alone may be losing between 7% and 8% of its GDP through corporate tax avoidance schemes.

On the resources page you find find videos, reports and other material produced as part of the project. 

In the framework of this project, a series of events was organized in order to reach project's goals and meet with relevant actors: two regional seminars, in Spain and Austria and a final conference in Brussels in October.

The first meeting was held in Madrid on May 27th 2015. This training was organized by FSP-UGT, EPSU and War on Want. For further information on this seminar please click here.

The next meeting was organized in Vienna on June 23rd 2015. The agenda and invite can be found here.

The final project meeting was  held in Brusssels on October 9th. A report, as well as documents and presentations from the meeting,  can be found here.

A seminar was also held in Dublin about Ireland's role in the international tax system. You can find a full, glossy report of the event here.

A short film, featuring interviews with various participants from Europe and Africa, captures some of the experiences shared during this project. 

Don't forget to sign the petition for country-by-country reporting to ensure multinationals pay their fair share everywhere they do business.

This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union – DCI-NSAED/2011/247. The contents are the sole responsibility of EPSU and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.


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